Get your ApiKey

Instruction how to get ApiKey

1. Open CodeBud GUI

Go to the

2. Register an account or login

Auth page with filled account data

3. Copy ApiKey

Go to the "other" tab and copy your ApiKey. That's it! Now you can use CodeBud.

"Other" tab. Your ApiKey is located in "Account information" section on top

I think my ApiKey got leaked, what should I do?

It is really important to keep your ApiKey safe. ApiKey may only be shared with your development team or people you trust.
If you think that your ApiKey got leaked, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to GUI
  2. If you have any projects on control tab, delete every member from every project.
  3. Tell your development team to check if your ApiKey is listed as "member" in their projects on control tab. If so, member should be deleted.
  4. Go to "other" tab and get new ApiKey. Old one would be disabled.
  5. From now on, use the new ApiKey in your clients (in CodeBud.init() method).

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