😞 Troubleshooting

We hope this can help you. If not, please feel free to create an issue on GitHub.

Known problems

Popular chrome extension AdBlock (or similar) blocks websocket in a web application (testing panel)

If you are sure that you set up everything correctly, but connection doesn't happen, then you can try to disable AdBlock (or similar browser extension) for CodeBud testing panel. (This is best you can do in order to use CodeBud while we're still working on this problem).


We hope it helps

Redux / Zustand state inspector works slow
State inspector uses syntax highlighting feature, so it might work slow if your redux state is too large, or if state batching time is not enough, or if your CPU is under high load. Consider reducing selector scope or increasing batching time:

// Selector function
// Here you can reduce scope of redux state observable for codebud
function select(state: RootState) {
  return {
    userData: {
      someLargeArray: undefined // Skip large array of data

// 3rd param is batching time (ms)
const unsubscribeAppKlaarSdkFromStoreChanges = store.subscribe(
  CodeBud.createReduxStoreChangeHandler(store, select, 1000)

My setup is correct, but I can't see intercepted data in GUI
Please notice that codebud has a limit of 1Mb when sending single package of intercepted data through net. Check your client console for errors or warnings.

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